Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The enforcement rules applying to dealings with registered titles are Essay - 1

The enforcement rules applying to dealings with registered titles are vastly superior to those applying to dealings with unregistered titles. Critically discuss - Essay Example Enforcement of the rules of titles helps in eliminating or resolving any uncertainties, faults or inconsistencies in any aspect of the title to the piece of land such as the location or adverse possession of any piece of land (Rodell & Harris, 2013). The rules governing registered and unregistered titles provide base for investigation and application of the legal procedure in identifying and resolving land disputes or discrepancies in relation to location, boundaries, ownership, etc. In the United Kingdom, the land title is either registered or unregistered. The registration of title to the land the transferee in UK is mandatory during the time of transfer of the title. The registration takes place at the Land Registry as prove of ownership of the land or any other property (Rodell & Harris, 2013). This document examines the superiority of the registered title over the unregistered title during enforcement of rules on the land dealings. Title deeds are â€Å"sets of documents that constitutes the proof of ownership of the property† (Clarke & Greer, 2014). A person is required to register land with the Land Registry after they have bought, inherited, been given, mortgaged, or have received in exchange for another property (Crown, (2003). However, there is no need for registration in case of leasehold unless the property has been leased for a duration not exceeding seven years. In the case of the agricultural land the owner should register it with Rural Land Register as well the Land Registry (Law Commission, 2011). During the registration, the following are required; the name of the landowner, the price for which it was purchased or mortgaged and the plan or boundaries of the land (Dixon, 2010). The essence of registering the title to the land confers the true ownership of the land, protection the land against fraud and makes the procedure of transferring the ownership simple and faster (Law

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